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Rye Girl血統表

Rye Girl血統表
Rye Girl GB
1949 栗毛

Blue Water GB
1942 栗毛

Blue Peter GB
1936 栗毛

Fairway GB
1925 鹿毛

Phalaris GB
1913 黒鹿毛

Polymelus GB
1902 鹿毛
Bromus GB
1905 鹿毛
Scapa Flow GB
1914 栗毛

Chaucer GB
1900 黒鹿毛
Anchora GB
1905 栗毛
Fancy Free GB
1924 鹿毛

Stefan the Great GB
1916 芦毛

The Tetrarch IRE
1911 芦毛
Perfect Peach GB
1907 鹿毛
Celiba GB
1916 黒鹿毛

Bachelor's Double GB
1906 栗毛
Santa Maura GB
1893 鹿毛
Rydal GB
1933 鹿毛

Winalot GB
1921 栗毛

Son-in-Law GB
1911 鹿毛

Dark Ronald IRE
1905 黒鹿毛
Mother in Law GB
1906 鹿毛
Gallenza GB
1905 鹿毛

Gallinule GB
1884 栗毛
Excellenza GB
1897 黒鹿毛
Grasmere GB
1919 鹿毛

Chaucer GB
1900 黒鹿毛

St. Simon GB
1881 鹿毛
Canterbury Pilgrim GB
1893 栗毛
Silver How GB
1910 鹿毛

Spearmint GB
1903 鹿毛
Mountain Daisy GB
1899 鹿毛
Brosna GB
1945 栗毛

Coup de Lyon GB
1930 栗毛

Winalot GB
1921 栗毛

Son-in-Law GB
1911 鹿毛

Dark Ronald IRE
1905 黒鹿毛
Mother in Law GB
1906 鹿毛
Gallenza GB
1905 鹿毛

Gallinule GB
1884 栗毛
Excellenza GB
1897 黒鹿毛
Sundry GB
1924 栗毛

Sunstar GB
1908 黒鹿毛

Sundridge GB
1898 栗毛
Doris GB
1898 黒鹿毛
Queen's Company GB
1917 栗毛

Polymelus GB
1902 鹿毛
Queen's Holiday GB
1901 鹿毛
Orotava GB
1927 栗毛

White Eagle GB
1905 栗毛

Gallinule GB
1884 栗毛

Isonomy GB
1875 鹿毛
Moorhen GB
1873 鹿毛
Merry Gal GB
1897 鹿毛

Galopin GB
1872 鹿毛
Mary Seaton GB
1890 栗毛
Orofast GB
1920 栗毛

Stedfast GB
1908 栗毛

Chaucer GB
1900 黒鹿毛
Be Sure GB
1898 栗毛
Moro GB
1913 栗毛

Orme GB
1889 鹿毛
Roti GB
1903 黒鹿毛

Polymelus 5×5
Chaucer 5×4×5
Winalot 3×3
Gallinule 5×5×4

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