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Paros GB
1970 栗毛

Pardao GB
1958 栗毛

Pardal FR
1947 鹿毛

Pharis FR
1936 黒鹿毛

Pharos GB
1920 黒鹿毛

Phalaris GB
1913 黒鹿毛
Scapa Flow GB
1914 栗毛
Carissima FR
1923 鹿毛

Clarissimus GB
1913 栗毛
1913 鹿毛
Adargatis FR
1931 鹿毛

Asterus FR
1923 鹿毛

Teddy FR
1913 鹿毛
Astrella FR
1912 鹿毛
Helene de Troie FR
1916 鹿毛

Helicon GB
1908 鹿毛
Lady of Pedigree GB
1910 鹿毛
Three Weeks GB
1946 栗毛

Big Game GB
1939 鹿毛

Bahram GB
1932 鹿毛

Blandford IRE
1919 黒鹿毛
Friar's Daughter GB
1921 黒鹿毛
Myrobella IRE
1930 芦毛

Tetratema GB
1917 芦毛
Dolabella GB
1911 鹿毛
Eleanor Cross GB
1939 栗毛

Hyperion GB
1930 栗毛

Gainsborough GB
1915 鹿毛
Selene GB
1919 鹿毛
Queen Christina GB
1932 鹿毛

Buchan GB
1916 鹿毛
Molly Adare GB
1925 黒鹿毛
1957 鹿毛

Tenerani ITY
1944 鹿毛

Bellini ITY
1937 鹿毛

Cavaliere d'Arpino ITY
1926 鹿毛

Havresac FR
1915 黒鹿毛
Chuette GB
1916 鹿毛
Bella Minna IRE
1923 栗毛

Bachelor's Double GB
1906 栗毛
Santa Minna GB
1915 鹿毛
Tofanella ITY
1931 栗毛

Apelle ITY
1923 栗毛

Sardanapale FR
1911 鹿毛
Angelina GB
1913 黒鹿毛
Try Try Again GB
1922 鹿毛

Cylgad GB
1909 鹿毛
Perseverance GB
1904 鹿毛
Fatimite GB
1941 鹿毛

Mahmoud FR
1933 芦毛

Blenheim II GB
1927 黒鹿毛

Blandford IRE
1919 黒鹿毛
Malva GB
1919 黒鹿毛
Mah Mahal GB
1928 芦毛

Gainsborough GB
1915 鹿毛
Mumtaz Mahal GB
1921 芦毛
Sister Anne GB
1926 鹿毛

Son-in-Law GB
1911 鹿毛

Dark Ronald IRE
1905 黒鹿毛
Mother in Law GB
1906 鹿毛
Dutch Mary GB
1915 栗毛

William the Third GB
1898 鹿毛
Pretty Polly(F-No.14c) IRE
1901 栗毛

Blandford 5×5
Gainsborough 5×5
