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Verushka ARG
1968 鹿毛

Irmak ARG
1959 栗毛

Seductor ARG
1943 鹿毛

Full Sail GB
1934 鹿毛

Fairway GB
1925 鹿毛

Phalaris GB
1913 黒鹿毛
Scapa Flow GB
1914 栗毛
Fancy Free GB
1924 鹿毛

Stefan the Great GB
1916 芦毛
Celiba GB
1916 黒鹿毛
Suma ARG
1937 鹿毛

Macon ARG
1922 鹿毛

Sandal GB
1908 鹿毛
Bourgogne ARG
1915 鹿毛
Sweet Peggy GB
1920 栗毛

Pommern GB
1912 鹿毛
Gilt Brook GB
1913 栗毛
Rustom's Legend ARG
1942 黒鹿毛

Rustom Pasha GB
1927 黒鹿毛

Son-in-Law GB
1911 鹿毛

Dark Ronald IRE
1905 黒鹿毛
Mother in Law GB
1906 鹿毛
Cos GB
1920 黒鹿毛

Flying Orb GB
1911 栗毛
Renaissance GB
1902 黒鹿毛
Evelyn's Legend FR
1923 鹿毛

Dark Legend GB
1914 黒鹿毛

Dark Ronald IRE
1905 黒鹿毛
Golden Legend GB
1907 鹿毛
Congressiste FR
1912 鹿毛

Phoenix FR
1902 鹿毛
Cypriote FR
1902 栗毛
Maria Ignacia ARG
1956 鹿毛

Masked Light GB
1947 栗毛

Signal Light IRE
1936 栗毛

Pharos GB
1920 黒鹿毛

Phalaris GB
1913 黒鹿毛
Scapa Flow GB
1914 栗毛
Ensoleillee GB
1926 栗毛

Sunstar GB
1908 黒鹿毛
Laughter GB
1919 鹿毛
Mashaq GB
1939 栗毛

Massine FR
1920 鹿毛

Consols FR
1908 鹿毛
Mauri FR
1909 栗毛
Buzz Fuzz GB
1933 栗毛

The Recorder GB
1927 栗毛
Lady Buzzer GB
1923 鹿毛
Belisama ARG
1944 芦毛

Badruddin FR
1931 芦毛

Blandford IRE
1919 黒鹿毛

Swynford GB
1907 黒鹿毛
Blanche GB
1912 鹿毛
Mumtaz Mahal GB
1921 芦毛

The Tetrarch IRE
1911 芦毛
Lady Josephine GB
1912 栗毛
Sancha ARG
1934 鹿毛

Silurian GB
1919 黒鹿毛

Swynford GB
1907 黒鹿毛
Glacier GB
1907 鹿毛
Sister Josephine GB
1924 鹿毛

Friar Marcus GB
1912 鹿毛
Lent Lily GB
1917 栗毛

Phalaris 5×5
Scapa Flow 5×5
Dark Ronald 5×5
Swynford 5×5
