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Baby's Pet血統表

Baby's Pet血統表
Baby's Pet USA
1979 栗毛

J. R.'s Pet USA
1971 鹿毛

Subpet USA
1965 鹿毛

Petare ARG
1951 鹿毛

Moslem ARG
1942 鹿毛

Rustom Pasha GB
1927 黒鹿毛
Merrose GB
1924 鹿毛
Collette ARG
1945 黒鹿毛

Diadoque GB
1936 鹿毛
Colombine ARG
1928 鹿毛
Subgal USA
1956 青鹿毛

Nirgal FR
1943 鹿毛

Goya FR
1934 鹿毛
Castillane FR
1936 鹿毛
Subterranean USA
1947 黒鹿毛

By Jimminy USA
1941 黒鹿毛
U-Boat USA
1935 青毛
Island Fair USA
1961 鹿毛

Noor USA
1945 黒鹿毛

Nasrullah GB
1940 鹿毛

Nearco ITY
1935 黒鹿毛
Mumtaz Begum IRE
1932 鹿毛
Queen of Baghdad GB
1937 黒鹿毛

Bahram GB
1932 鹿毛
Queen of Scots FR
1930 黒鹿毛
Stepping Jan USA
1952 鹿毛

Bolero USA
1946 栗毛

Eight Thirty USA
1936 栗毛
Stepwisely USA
1941 黒鹿毛
Jamesina USA
1942 鹿毛

Jamestown USA
1928 鹿毛
Sophia Tucker USA
1934 栗毛
Loose Baby USA
1971 栗毛

Cast Loose USA
1962 栗毛

Turn-to IRE
1951 鹿毛

Royal Charger GB
1942 栗毛

Nearco ITY
1935 黒鹿毛
Sun Princess GB
1937 鹿毛
Source Sucree FR
1940 黒鹿毛

Admiral Drake FR
1931 鹿毛
Lavendula II
1930 黒鹿毛
Lalun USA
1952 鹿毛

Djeddah FR
1945 栗毛

Djebel FR
1937 鹿毛
Djezima FR
1933 栗毛
Be Faithful USA
1942 黒鹿毛

Bimelech USA
1937 鹿毛
Bloodroot USA
1932 鹿毛
Rural Lady USA
1964 鹿毛

Sir Ruler USA
1955 鹿毛

Nasrullah GB
1940 鹿毛

Nearco ITY
1935 黒鹿毛
Mumtaz Begum IRE
1932 鹿毛
My Emma USA
1945 鹿毛

Isolater GB
1933 鹿毛
Marigal USA
1932 黒鹿毛
Pastoral USA
1952 黒鹿毛

Vezzano ITY
1936 鹿毛

Ortello ITY
1926 栗毛
Volage ITY
1924 鹿毛
Amaranth USA
1936 黒鹿毛

Blue Larkspur USA
1926 鹿毛
Lespedeza FR
1917 栗毛

Nasrullah 4×4
Nearco 5×5×5

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