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Rosie Mccann血統表

Rosie Mccann血統表
Rosie Mccann GB
1956 栗毛

Luminary GB
1946 栗毛

Fair Trial GB
1932 栗毛

Fairway GB
1925 鹿毛

Phalaris GB
1913 黒鹿毛

Polymelus GB
1902 鹿毛
Bromus GB
1905 鹿毛
Scapa Flow GB
1914 栗毛

Chaucer GB
1900 黒鹿毛
Anchora GB
1905 栗毛
Lady Juror GB
1919 鹿毛

Son-in-Law GB
1911 鹿毛

Dark Ronald IRE
1905 黒鹿毛
Mother in Law GB
1906 鹿毛
Lady Josephine GB
1912 栗毛

Sundridge GB
1898 栗毛
Americus Girl GB
1905 栗毛
Luciebella FR
1937 栗毛

Rodosto FR
1930 栗毛

Epinard FR
1920 栗毛

Badajoz FR
1907 栗毛
Epine Blanche FR
1913 栗毛
Ramondie FR
1920 栗毛

Neil Gow GB
1907 栗毛
La Rille FR
1908 鹿毛
Lula GB
1925 栗毛

Captain Cuttle GB
1919 栗毛

Hurry On GB
1913 栗毛
Bellavista GB
1904 鹿毛
Lady Phoebe GB
1917 栗毛

Orby IRE
1904 栗毛
Dona Sol GB
1908 栗毛
Rose of Austria GB
1948 黒鹿毛

Umiddad GB
1940 鹿毛

Dastur GB
1929 鹿毛

Solario IRE
1922 鹿毛

Gainsborough GB
1915 鹿毛
Sun Worship GB
1912 鹿毛
Friar's Daughter GB
1921 黒鹿毛

Friar Marcus GB
1912 鹿毛
Garron Lass GB
1917 鹿毛
Udaipur GB
1929 黒鹿毛

Blandford IRE
1919 黒鹿毛

Swynford GB
1907 黒鹿毛
Blanche GB
1912 鹿毛
Uganda GB
1921 鹿毛

Bridaine FR
1914 鹿毛
Hush GB
1911 鹿毛
Ann of Austria GB
1935 鹿毛

Fairway GB
1925 鹿毛

Phalaris GB
1913 黒鹿毛

Polymelus GB
1902 鹿毛
Bromus GB
1905 鹿毛
Scapa Flow GB
1914 栗毛

Chaucer GB
1900 黒鹿毛
Anchora GB
1905 栗毛
Ann Gudman GB
1927 栗毛

Stratford GB
1919 鹿毛

Swynford GB
1907 黒鹿毛
Lesbia GB
1905 鹿毛
Flying Home GB
1918 栗毛

Barcadaile GB
1901 栗毛
Eryholme GB
1898 栗毛

Fairway 3×3
Swynford 5×5

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